Training content
In this training course we will give you an introduction to our database and show you how to enter your data very efficiently.
Duration: 1 hour
Price: the training courses are free of charge
Dates: there are regular appointments
Location: online – Teams
Other: individual appointments can also be organized for larger groups
1. Structure of the Digitize platform
Basic introduction to the structure and functions of the Digitize platform for managing and displaying protected areas.
2. Input of general protected area Information
Instructions for entering and maintaining basic information on protected areas, such as name, description and creating an image gallery.
3. Cross-references
Overview of the databases to which we maintain links and instructions for checking existing links or adding missing ones.
4. Entering the rules
Step-by-step instructions for entering the applicable protection rules and regulations.
5. Uploading the regulations
Detailed explanation of how to upload and manage regulations and relevant documents on the platform.
6. Uploading Regulations
7. Tips & Tricks for efficient data entry
Useful tips and methods to make data entry quick and accurate.
Training dates
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