Our Digitize-Platform is available for entering protected area data such as rules, protection purposes, information, images, regulations, closures, etc.
The process begins with the free creation of an account and the activation of the protected areas in your area of responsibility. After verification of the responsible person by DtP, data entry begins with the help of an intuitive guide through the input fields.
In the next step, the rules entered are automatically checked for consistency/redundancy by our technology and processed into a machine-readable data record in the international standard.
The rules entered are visualised using pictograms (icons) and additionally provided with a formulated, explanatory text (also in English). The resulting data set is documented on the platform and is available to all user groups as open data.
We regularly offer free training courses on how to use our platform and enter data.
However, data entry does not necessarily have to be carried out by the responsible authority. With a power of attorney, this task can be delegated to third parties (e.g. protected area administration, tourist destination, etc.).
As the number of nature conservation information and users increases, so does the support and service provided by the platform, we would be delighted to receive a membership or donation.
© 2025 Digitize the Planet e.V.