Protected Area

We create the digital basis for nature conservation-compliant activity management.

Steinbockkitz (Luca ANhF by unsplash) I Digitize the Planet

Digitize the Planet offers the technology standard for the digital dissemination of nature conservation information.

Digital and freely accessible information significantly reduces the pressure on protected areas. Digitize the Planet supports protected area administrations in the digital preparation and dissemination of protected area boundaries, their rules including regulations, protection purposes and temporary closures. This enables digital and timely activity management right from the digital planning stage via tour platforms.

The Digitize-Platform is fully functional and only verified users can enter their data there. Use of the platform is free of charge. The digitised and georeferenced information is then available free of charge as open data.


Registration on the platform is open and not subject to any restrictions. Protected areas can be requested by the responsible persons and, after verification, can be provided with information on rules, protection purposes, images, legal bases, etc.

Data entry does not require any in-depth digital skills and is carried out using a simple input screen. Geodata on the areas is already available on the platform and does not need to be collected or processed independently. It is possible to have new boundaries integrated into the platform by DtP. We regularly offer free training courses on data input.

Georeferenced, standardised and machine-readable data in open data format is generated from the information entered.

Digitize the Planet provides the link via interfaces (API) to tour portals, map applications and other playout channels. This allows the data to be redistributed as open data. The use of this data is free of charge.

How can you cooperate with us?

  • By registering and entering information (rules, regulations, etc.) in our platform, you ensure increasing data coverage in the area.
  • Join us in convincing politicians and authorities to work with the DtP standard.
  • Help us with our community and solidarity work and become a member of our association.
Info Protected Area I Digitize the Planet

Best Practice

Karwendel Nature Park

Karwendel Nature Park Tirol becomes a model region.

Best Practice

Bergisches Land Nature Park

Digitize the Planet is partner of Bergisches Land Nature Park.

Our Members

protected areas

Register now for the Digitize-Platform and start processing your protected areas.