2.Sustainable Tourism Day

Logo Partner Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus I Digitize the Planet

Challenges, strategies and solutions for climate-friendly, environmentally friendly and socially responsible tourism


Einmal jährlich veranstaltet die Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus den Sustainable Tourism Day.

Once a year, the German National Tourist Board organizes the Sustainable Tourism Day.

The focus is on best practices, which are addressed in presentations and discussions together with experts and decision-makers from politics, science and business. These topics were on the agenda for the 2nd edition.

Main topics:

  • Consequences of climate change for tourism
  • Climate protection and climate adaptation in German tourism
  • Sustainable travel trends
  • Sustainability in the DZT´s value-based target groups
  • Sustainability in the DZT´s global marketing
  • Best practice from a sustainable international destination

We were invited by the DZT to present our project and demonstrate our contribution to sustainable visitor guidance.

Teilnehmer STD-DZT (Bild DZT) I Digitize the Planet