Data Integration Outdooractive

Pressemitteilung Outdooractive I Digitize the Planet

Press Release

Immenstadt, 13.11.2023 – Outdooractive sets new standards in nature conservation by integrating the Digitize the Planet data model.

Outdooractive has been at the forefront of digital outdoor tourism for almost 30 years. Outdooractive is the first platform to integrate the rules of all Digitize the Planet protected areas into its technology, bringing together all stakeholders involved to offer people safe and reliable outdoor experiences in harmony with nature.

The non-profit association Digitize the Planet (DtP) pursues the goal of digitizing all relevant regulations on the use of nature and making them available as open data. After an intensive period of preparation on the part of DtP and Outdooractive, a joint integration project has now been rolled out: The high-quality information and data that the protected areas create and maintain directly on DtP will be seamlessly transferred to the Outdooractive technology. In future, the new data model will replace all previously existing rules and ensure exclusively official content from the protected areas, thereby offering greater relevance and more accurate and up-to-date information.

“Both our users and partners benefit from the data integration. The comprehensive rules, notices, information and current closures are displayed on the region page of a protected area. In addition, the rules relevant to a tour are highlighted on the respective detail page on Outdooractive and the partner web and app applications. Thanks to the newly gained depth of information, our community members have more security when searching for and planning tours and can adapt their behavior to the respective rules,” says Pirmin Mösle, CTO of Outdooractive AG. Sebastian Sarx, specialist conception employee who has been with Digitize the Planet since the very beginning, adds: “With the integration, we can show that our platform technology and the associated database are a functional standard that offers real added value to nature users and therefore also to nature.”

For a better display of all notices and closures, a revised map layer presents the daily updated information of the protected areas and differentiates between activity-specific and general access bans. As soon as a tour leads through a protected area with an access ban, it is either permanently or temporarily closed, depending on the ban. The authors are automatically informed by e-mail if a closure becomes active on their tour.